Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 6, 2014

Keyword Results Tool

The Keyword Results Tool is a Simple yet very Useful Tool.

What it does is: Extract the Number of Search Results for Each Keyword/Phrase you input, from Google's Search Results Page. That's the little number above the list of Search Results.

1) Copy and Paste a list of Keywords / Phrases in the left box of the program. 

2) Press the "Count Search Results >>" Button to Run the Tool (Optionally, add Prefix/Suffixes to your Keywords first) 

3) The Tool processes your Keywords by sending Queries to Google, and prints the Results in the right column. 

That's it! 
You now have a list of the Number of Results shown for each Keyword from Google's SERPs. 

To make use of this data: You can compile it in a Table/Spreadsheet such as Excel, and Formulate it together with Search Volume Data from Adwords Keyword Tool. 

("Search Volume" is the number of Global or Local Monthly Searches for a Keyword; provided by Adwords Keyword Tool)

I use this Simple Formula:

(Search Volume / Search Results) x 100 = Keyword Value

The higher the Keyword Value (KWV), the better. 

Once you have made your Sorted List by Potential Keyword Value, you MUST then examine the Top 10 Search Results for the Top Keywords Manually. 

There are numerous Tools that can help you with this. The "Keyword Competition Tool" that we are working on, will help you get this job done very easily! 

For the moment, I use the SEOquake Extension for Google Chrome: You want to look mainly at the Page Rank 

(PR</acronym>) of each Page appearing in the Top 10 Results, as well as the Number of Backlinks (L) each Page has.

The Lower the PR</acronym> and Backlinks, the Easier it is for you to take over their position in the SERPs, with a little SEO</acronym> work. 

Ideally, you want to target Keywords that has Top 10 Results with Only PR</acronym> 0 or N/A, and 0 Backlinks as well. 

The Top 3 to 5 Results are more important though. So focus on those First Few Results more. 

You can also go into extra steps of examining each page, such as checking out its Keyword Density, Domain Age, etc... before deciding to target that Keyword. 

I usually skip those steps, once I find a Keyword with only PR</acronym> 0 Results + No Backlinks in the Top 10. 

Someone who is more experienced in SEO</acronym> may want to try their luck competing against PR</acronym> 1-2 sites, if the Search Volume for that Keyword is Very High.


 I know a lot of "SEO</acronym> Gurus" will say that this data (# of Search Results) is "useless", but it has proved to be Useful for myself and many others, when applied wisely. 

This "Keyword Value" metric is a meant to be a Precursor to evaluating the exact level of Keyword Competition for a given phrase. 

NOT a final Answer to whether a Keyword should be Targeted or not. It acts as a Sorted Filter that you helps you to have a Better Starting Point, rather than beginning in the middle of nowhere when examining a Large list of Keyword Options.


I will talk more on the point of the Relevance of this Data later on; 

but let me now get to more importantly, some Real Life examples on how this Tool can be applied. :)

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